Sunday, August 30, 2009

Start of School Year

Welcome AP Psychology Students. I just finished reading your essays and boy do we have a lot of work to do between now and May 12th - the date of your AP Exam!

Hints and reminders:
you have EVERY DAY!!!!!outlined for you. You come to class prepared having done the readings and prepared to participate in classroom discussions about the readings.

September 8th we will have a quiz on chapter 1, you will turn in your SQ3R notes to me at that time.
I will be passing out an article with questions Monday 8/30. Answer the questions based on the article with clear, well thought out answers. This is due on Thursday 9/3, typed.
email me questions

Ms. T

Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday Memorial Day -Holiday

Tuesday we will head into the computer lab to get you going on your psychology project.

You will also need to take this survey from this link - while in the lab

This will help me reflect on my teaching from the last year and help make the course a better one!



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Your Final Project

AP Psychology Final Project Final Exam

I would like everyone to creat a multimedia type project that reflects two concept that we have learned in psychology this year.

This project can be an imovie format - see this link for tutorial

You can also use this format for making an iphoto booth

This project will be assessed in the following ways:

Next Thursday May 28th you will need to present to me where you are in your project. This can be reflected as a storyboard, outline, script or two page synopsis. Please email these to me at FYI you will be graded on this part of the project at 70% of your final grade. WHY ? I feel that the process is the most important part of the project as it reflects your thought process, your organizational skill set, ideas, and content mastery.

Sources – Keep track of all of your sources. Proper citations please. 10 points

15 Points What is the Main Idea or Theme?

15 points List three continuations of the main idea or theme in depth thinking.

15 Points How long will it be? How are you going to do this? What type of media are you going to use?

15 points List your script or order of events, use a story board, outline or summary.

If you would like to see the PBWorks page that I made including my imovie on existentialism click here

DUE DATE Your final is due on June 3rd at 8 am NO EXCUSES NO EXCEPTIONS

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 18th

Today we will be having scientists from UCSF come to our classroom to help us in brain dissections. Show up to class on time with questions and your enthusiastic self.
I will expect a report similar to a lab report detailing what you observed during the dissections.

Final Project
Your final project will be your final exam. Each of you (either in groups of 2 or 4) are required to create and present your final. Your final project is on a topic in psychology that you have discussed with me. The format must be a multimedia presentation. We will be heading to the computer lab this thursday and i will show you how to use the imovie and iphoto program . The format can also be a powerpoint presentation. You will be required to present it during finals week to the class. The idea would be that I would be able to use your presentation in my psychology class in the following years.
See Me for More Details.

Monday, April 27, 2009

AP Review

Hey Folks -

Since this week is STAR testing your classes are limited. Make good use of your time by reviewing for your final exam. CLick here for the notes

I highly advise you to finish your SQ3R notes for Chapter 17 as we will begin the final chapter next week.

Start your AP review by looking over the review sheets and finding out what you are not familiar with and list these as priorities . Begin to study from these lists and your text book.
If you haven't turned in your "Choosing a Psychotherapist " article or Chapter 17 notes do so now.


Friday, April 17, 2009

AP Review

Now is the time to start your review for the AP Exam. Some things that I would do NOW:

a) Purchase a review book from a book store (some are available online and USED).
b) Begin a review of the text book using the worksheet that I have prepared.

Click here for the worksheet.

This is the website for AP Central. AP Central has lots of great resources for helpful hints for the AP exam.

Homework Due: Read Article " Choosing a Psychotherapist" and answer the assigned questions.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Monday April 13th

Yes- there is school and it's a normal day. This week we will be finishing up psychopathology. Finish reading any part of chapter 16 and begin to prepare for a quiz this Thursday.

Your homework over break was to make/construct a crossword puzzle from chapter 16 - Psychological Disorders.

For Thursday:
Study for the quiz on chapter 16
Turn in all SQ3R notes on Chapter 16 as well as any missing or old work - The grading period ends this Friday so BE RESPONSIBLE


You will find all sorts of helpful study aids here at the student pages.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break

For those who may wish to get a start on studying for the AP exam here are some sources available to you.

Go to this website and check out the student categories-

This site has flash cards for you to use/help you study.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 9th

We have begun to study chapter 15 Personality. The PowerPoint notes can be found in the margin for extra information. This chapter starts out discussing Sigmund Freud's contribution to the world of psychology and moves into a broader discussion of Carl Jung and others.
There will be two assignments due for this chapter.

Continue with SQ3R Notes for chapter 15
1) Collage Project:
A) You are to make a collage of images from magazines, comics, media, words and drawings/images that you feel represent who you are. Because i am old and my eyesight is going, I would like the poster to be at least 8" x 14". I can provide you with the proper size paper if you need it.
B) the second part of this project is to ask someone that you feel knows you to make a collage of images that they feel represents who you are. This collage can be slightly smaller as an 81/2" x 11" will suffice.
C)I have passed out questions to answer 12 point font typed and in complete sentences please.

2) Another Article - I have prepared an article by Rotter, along with questions designed to assist you in analysis of the article.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feb 20th

Feb 20th -
Please keep on top of your reading schedule as we are pretty much aligned with the reading list I gave you on the first day of school. If you need a new copy there is a link on the blog find the list. Tuesday feb 24th we will have a quiz on chapter 12 and we will begin chapter 13 on Thursday.

Chapter 13 brings another project to learn from this time it will focus on Stress and Health and a Controlled Experiment. Details to follow.

Please remember to turn in to me your sq3r notes.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


chapter 11 covers intelligence theories, intelligence testing, genetic influence verses environmental, and many more aspects to this complicated chapter.

Today, while I was administering the CHASEE test you were making crossword puzzles with questions from chapter 11. Thursday's class we will have a short quiz covering chapter 11. Mondays class will be an exam covering chapters 8-11

Due Thursday - crossword puzzle from Tuesdays class.
Quiz Thursday on Chapter 11

Monday Feb 9th

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This week your sq3r notes are due for chapter 11. please turn them in by thursday.
Today in class i passed out an article to all students. If you were not in class please see me to obtain a copy.
I would like you to read the article and take notes. Provide a one page summary of the article. Include in your summary a comparison to the corresponding section in chapter 11 from your text. Also include your own ideas or analysis of this article. This should be typed and at lease one full page.
see me with questions.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Final Exam

Wednesday at 10:10 is your final for the first semester. I want to tell you that the final will be very difficult and I expect that you will need to study quite a bit. Click here for review questions

In addition I will include your final essay question ahead of time and will allow you to spend time at home outlining the essay, answering the question, organizing your thoughts and then devise a memory mnemonic to help you remember it for your final. Here is the question.

Elio has a theory that regular exercise can improve thinking. Help him design an experiment evaluating this theory.
Remember to first make an outline to help organize your thoughts.......
Remember to include everything you know about experiment design like: independent and dependent variables, control, type of study, experimenter bias......

good luck!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Behavorial Modification Project Questions

Your project should be well under way at this point. I have received some questions regarding the best way to present the data that you have collected. Remember that you should have already collected data regarding the amount of times/day/hour....that you notice this behavior. You were also to understand the antecedents that occur prior to this behavior that you wish to change.

For example let's say I'm trying to quit swearing. I need to get a baseline or figure out how often I swear. I count the amount of times over two days that I swear. This information will be part of my data and will go on a graph. The third day I take a look at the antecedents or behavior that occurs prior to swearing. For example, on the third day I notice that I swear most often when I drive my car. This is an antecedent to the behavior that I would like to change. Over the next few days I would try to reduce my swearing by:
1) Knowing that every time i get behind the wheel I'm more likely to swear - so prepare ahead of time to say "shucks" or that "that person must be mentally challenged" instead of my usual cuss words.
2) Reward myself with 10 extra minutes in the swimming pool if I did not swear once in the car.
3) Observe this behavior over three days and get the data totals.

This data should be recorded and first put in a data table. I would then use the data from the table to display the results in a graphic form.

I would include all data on the graph using a separate color to display the first two days of observing my behavior, another color to show when I was observing the antecedents and finally a third color to show when I had my plan of using other words and reward system.

email me with specific questions
Happy New Year!