Sunday, September 28, 2008

Test Prologue ch 1,2,3

This Tuesday we are having a test on the prologue, Chapter 1, 2, 3. The test will consist of 30 multiple choice questions and two free response questions. I suggest the following for preparation:
1) review your SQ3R notes
2) go over learning outcomes from your text book
3) read class notes

You will be presented with three essay questions and you will need to choose 2 to write on. When you receive your test READ THE ESSAY QUESTIONS FIRST - write a brief outline. Answer the multiple choice questions and return to complete the essay questions!

Homework:If you have not yet turned in your 1) Notes for chapter 3 or Study Guide for chapter 3 do so ASAP!

1) due thursday - Reading notes

Prenatal Development and the Newborn

2) STUDY!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sept 24th -

This week we will continue with chapter 3 Nature, Nurture and Human Diversity. Since the scores for the chapter two quiz were so low, I have decided to assign you more work at home. Each week I will provide you with a study guide for the chapter we are studying and you will be expected to complete the study guide by THURSDAY of that week. This is in addition to your SQ3R notes.

Remember back to school night is this Wednesday the 23rd. at 6:30.

Please complete your SQ3R notes in addition to the study guide for chapter 3.

Grades will be available on line this week!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sept 15th - chapter 2

This week we will be studying the brain and the endocrine system. This will bring us to the end of chapter two. This class moves quite fast - is very quick paced, please don't fall behind on your readings or assignments as this will mean certain failure!

You will have a quiz on chapter 2 this tuesday - the quiz will be a multiple choice quiz followed by a short response essay question.

Homework read and submit SQ3R notes through the end of chapter 2.
Prepare to present your naturalistic observation findings this monday - in front of the class.

We start chapter three thursday..........

Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 8th

Monday we will finish up chapter 1 with some notes and a quiz.
Tuesday we will start on chapter 2 - understanding how the brain works and how this effects our behavior.
Thursday - we will look at real human brains - you will be able to identify the various brain structures.

In addition to your reading you are also assigned a naturalistic observation project.
Click here for details.

this is due on thursday with your homework.
fyi you are not allowed to use notes on any test or quiz

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sept 1st

This week we will begin chapter one. Please remember that this course moves quickly so you will be prepared for the AP Exam on May 12th. It is so important that you keep up with the readings, your SQ3R style note taking and do the practice quizzes!

Your Quiz on the prologue and chapter 1 will be on Monday Sept. 8th to help you prepare please take the practice quiz found on the blog ( found along the side bar).

The exam for the prologue, chapters 1 and 2 will be on Wednesday October 1st.

Homework due this Friday - Sept 5th - 1)Bring your notes (using the SQ3Rmethod) to class - i will grade them.
2) Take the test on chapter one - the link is found on this blog to the right. You can either print it out at home at school.

Ms. T

ps. the notes are there to assist you and outline important subjects!