Sunday, November 23, 2008

Homework Over Thanksgiving

While you are enjoying three days off from school i would like you to carve out some time to craft a two page essay on learning.

Since Chapter 8 in the textbook focuses on the first scientific experiments which show how learning takes place, I would like you to use that knowledge as a base to expand these ideas. Scour the internet, magazines, and newspapers for articles on learning, how people or animals learn. Compare and contrast your article to the information found in chapter 8 of your text. Answer the question what is the relationship between Skinner and or Bandura and or Pavlov and your article. Perhaps you may see a direct relationship between the two or perhaps you see no relationship but include why you see one or why you don't!.

This essay needs to be single spaced, typed, 12 point font and due Monday Dec. 1st.

Email me with questions.

Resources are posted on blog to help you - best might be psychology today - found online at SF Public Library all you need is the number on the back of your card and you are in!!

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