Wednesday, November 5, 2008

States of Consciousness

Your assignment over the next few days and through the weekend is to remember some of your dreams. One way to do this is to keep a pad of paper next to your bed. If you wake during the night write on the pad what you were dreaming about or what your were thinking. If you find that the night brings you an undisturbed well rested sleep you may wish to set your alarm for about five hours into your sleep. The alarm will wake you and you will have an opportunity to write down your dreams prior to falling back into a deep slumber. i recommend that you try this on a Friday or Saturday night so you arrive well rested to school on Monday.

Once you are able to record a few dreams think about what you were dreaming about (topics or themes) what kinds of sensations were you perceiving while dreaming (temperature, smells, wind) and did you experience any emotions?

Bring your sensations, topics and emotions to class for next Thursday, Nov 13th.

FIELD TRIP Wednesday Nov. 19th 1:50 - 3:15

Those who are interested in heading over to Buena Vista Elementary School to investigate Piaget's developmental stages will need a signed permission slip. We will be heading over to BV as a group taking the 48 bus. We will spend about 45 min at the school and you will be finished at about 3:15. This is an excellent opportunity to explore Piaget's developmental stages, experience the way a small child thinks and get extra credit for your Psychology Class.

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